Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pros and Cons about Video Games

Video games can be very beneficial because it gives the player a chance to view things from a different point of view, experience things that they cant in real life and just have fun. there are also many beneficial video games that help students in school so that they can recieve better grades. other games are just for entertainment. i personnally think that games can make a players brain function more active and make them a lot more smarter.

Cons: video games are just as addicting and drugs, they are basically another drug. it can be really hard to stop video games when you get out of hand. video games are for fun but when your entire world revolves around video games then there is a problem. a virtual life i never as the same as the real life and it is important that the player lives their life more in reality than in a virtual. moreover it's not the most healthiest activity to do and horrible for your eyes. there is to be a limit for video games so it is important to knwo your limits.

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