Friday, April 16, 2010

reflection on April / 2010

Today, in class we watched a video on how addicting internet and gaming can be. i never thought that internet could be so addicting that people have died because they never ate or drank anything, since they were too caught up on playing games. i know that little children can catch onto the internet and how things work on the computer really quickly because my eight year old brother started using the computer when i was about six or seven and new almost everything about it without me telling him anything. i also find it interesting that in Korea they are telling kids how to use computers to a certain extend because i remember that when we used computers when i was that age, out teachers never taught us that at all. Multitasking is great i think, cuz i do it too but it scares me that i might probably be really horrible at it if someone tests me out on it. i liked the video's we watched because they told us things that are un-imaginable, especially a couple hooking up through an online game. i find that scary, odd, and interesting.

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