Friday, March 26, 2010

building/buying a PC

advantages to building your own PC:
1. by building your own PC it would give u knowledge on how each component works and the technical part of everything.
2. you would also have the control over the hardwares that you can set up into your PC which would depend on what you want to do on your computer. Gaming is an example
3. if you want a computer for gaming and need specific components, by building your computer you could save a lot of money.
advantages to buying your own PC:
1. you could get a warranty on your computer of atleast a year or more. with the one you build at home, you would have to fix it yourself.
2. most PC's also come with free technical support, so you dont have to point fingures at different manufacturers because you bought everything from one place.
3. lastly, less time and knowledge. you need time and the knowledge to know how to build your PC. it could be a really challenging task to complete.

My opinion:
i would rather buy a computer because i find it a lot for easier. i don't think i would be able to put a computer together and make it work well. i dont really care about the components and etc. as long as i have a computer that works well, that's all that matters to me.

1 comment:

  1. 4/4 Some good insights. Warranty is a good point however most parts are covered by warranty as well. So for instance, if you build your own computer and your new video card dies, you can get a free replacement within a certain length of time.
